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58 results filtered with: Medical Society of London
  • Apollo with his bow, having slain the Python. Engraving by W. Grainger, ca. 1790 (?).
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • Castigationes seu emendationes pharmacopolarum, sive apothecariorum, ac Arabum medicorum Mesuȩ, Serapionis, Rasis, Alpharabii, & aliorum juniorum medicorum ... in quatuor libros ac tomos divisae ... Liber primus De simplicibus medicamentis, quo docentur errata seplasiarum & pharmacopolarum ... ac recentium medicorum ... Liber secundus in quo continentur Castigationes in Antidotarium seu Grabadin Joannis Mesuȩ, Nicolai, Serapionis, ac aliorum recentiorum medicorum. Liber tertius est de ingenio curandorum corporum per medicinas laxativas. Liber quartus complectitur curationes ac remedia aegritudinum principalium humani corporis. Quibus adjungitur Officina apothecariorum, & juniorum medicorum. Item de phlebotomia sive sanguinis missione, & acerbano discorso dell eccellente medico et filosofo m andrea praesertim in pleuritide ... Item de vinis febricitantium / [Symphorien Champier].
  • De la grossesse et accouchement des femmes, du gouvernement dicelles et moyen de survenir aux accidents qui leur arrivent, ensemble de la nourriture des enfans / Par Jacques Guillemeau. Reveu [sic] et augmenté de figures en taille douce, et de plusieurs maladies secrettes. Avec un traitte de l'impuissance, par Charles Guillemeau.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • Incipit tractatus de virtutibus herbarum.
  • Ton Hippiatrikon biblia duo. Veterinariae medicinae libri duo / a Joanne Ruellio Suessionensi olim quidem latinitate donati, nunc vero iidem sua, hoc est graeca, lingua primum in lucem aediti [per Simonem Grynaeum].
  • Ton Hippiatrikon biblia duo. Veterinariae medicinae libri duo / a Joanne Ruellio Suessionensi olim quidem latinitate donati, nunc vero iidem sua, hoc est graeca, lingua primum in lucem aediti [per Simonem Grynaeum].
  • Paraphrasis, in nonum librum Rhazae medici Arabis clariss. ad Regem Almansorem, de singularu[m] corporis partium affectuum curatione, / autore Andrea Wesalio Bruxellensi Medicin[a]e candidato.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Incipit clarificatoriu[m] ioha[n]nis de tornamira super nono alma[n]soris cu[m] textu ipsius Rasis.
  • Paraphrasis, in nonum librum Rhazae medici Arabis clariss. ad Regem Almansorem, de singularu[m] corporis partium affectuum curatione, / autore Andrea Wesalio Bruxellensi Medicin[a]e candidato.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • Incipit clarificatoriu[m] ioha[n]nis de tornamira super nono alma[n]soris cu[m] textu ipsius Rasis.
  • De affectionibus cordis libri tres / Hannibalis Albertinii.
  • Castigationes seu emendationes pharmacopolarum, sive apothecariorum, ac Arabum medicorum Mesuȩ, Serapionis, Rasis, Alpharabii, & aliorum juniorum medicorum ... in quatuor libros ac tomos divisae ... Liber primus De simplicibus medicamentis, quo docentur errata seplasiarum & pharmacopolarum ... ac recentium medicorum ... Liber secundus in quo continentur Castigationes in Antidotarium seu Grabadin Joannis Mesuȩ, Nicolai, Serapionis, ac aliorum recentiorum medicorum. Liber tertius est de ingenio curandorum corporum per medicinas laxativas. Liber quartus complectitur curationes ac remedia aegritudinum principalium humani corporis. Quibus adjungitur Officina apothecariorum, & juniorum medicorum. Item de phlebotomia sive sanguinis missione, & acerbano discorso dell eccellente medico et filosofo m andrea praesertim in pleuritide ... Item de vinis febricitantium / [Symphorien Champier].
  • De affectionibus cordis libri tres / Hannibalis Albertinii.
  • Ton Hippiatrikon biblia duo. Veterinariae medicinae libri duo / a Joanne Ruellio Suessionensi olim quidem latinitate donati, nunc vero iidem sua, hoc est graeca, lingua primum in lucem aediti [per Simonem Grynaeum].
  • Remarks on the impositions of quacks : so much practiced in this Kingdom. Wherein is exposed to the public themeans of distinguishing them from able physicians and surgeons. And how much it is to be wished that the laws would appoint some effectual means to suppress these vile ways of practicing, so prejudicial to his Majesty's subjects / By Vint. B-t.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.
  • L'ordre et regime qu'on doit garder et tenir en la cure des fièvres: avec ung chapitre singulier contenant les causes & remedes des fievres pestilentielles. Plus, ung dialogue contenant les causes, jugemens, couleurs et hypostases des urines, lesquelles adviennent le plus souvent a ceus qui ont la fièvre. / Compose par M. Sebastien Colin medecin a Fontenay le Comte en Poitou.
  • Incipit clarificatoriu[m] ioha[n]nis de tornamira super nono alma[n]soris cu[m] textu ipsius Rasis.
  • Incipit clarificatoriu[m] ioha[n]nis de tornamira super nono alma[n]soris cu[m] textu ipsius Rasis.
  • Le chirurgie françoise recueillie des antiens médecins et chirurgiens. Avec plusieurs figures des instrumens necesseres pour l'opération manuelle / Par Iacques Guillemeau.