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215 results filtered with: Fishes
  • A society lunch with patrons playing dice, smoking and drinking. Lithograph by R. Leitner, mid-19th century, after D. Teniers.
  • Two fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A haddock. Etching.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Four-eyed fish and butterly fish swimming in the sea above a coral reef. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
  • A domestics couple of low caste. Gouache drawing.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.
  • Five fish, including two types of sardine and butter-fish. Etching.
  • A Flemish surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar in a surgery. Engraving by J. Daullé after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
  • In convalescence Dianabol builds the patient up : the engraver builds his colour picture : bleeding heart tetra.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A shell fish, a cow fish and a buffalo trunk fish swimming in the sea. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
  • A rural surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar in a surgery. Etching by A.T.J.M. Potémont after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • An allegory of fishing: rods and lines for river fishing. Engraving, c.1780?.
  • [Phytobasanos] sive plantarum aliqvot historia. In qva describvntvr diversi generis plantæ veriores, ac magis facie, viribúsque respondentes antiquorum Theophrasti, Diocoridis, Plinij, Galeni, aliorúmque delineationibus, ab alijs hucusque non animaduersæ / Fabio Colvmna avctore. Accessit etiam piscivm aliqvot, plantarúmque nouarum historia eodem auctore.
  • Two fish, and a detail of a fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
  • A type of fish. Etching.
  • A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • In convalescence Dianabol builds the patient up : the engraver builds his colour picture : bleeding heart tetra.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.
  • Thirty four types of fish. Engraving by R. Scott after T. Brown.
  • Fishermen hauling in a net close to the shore, ships stand off-shore in the background. Engraving.
  • In convalescence Dianabol builds the patient up : the engraver builds his colour picture : bleeding heart tetra.
  • An old man discourses with a woman with a bird on her head; representing dialectic. Engraving by C. Cort, 1565, after F. Floris, c. 1557.
  • Singapore: two Singaporean men carrying a yoke and smoking pipes. Watercolour by J. Taylor, 1879.