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75 results filtered with: Meat
  • C. Shippam Ltd. : Chichester, Sussex : founded 1750 ... : meat & fish pastes, soups, sausages, tongues, invalid specialities.
  • 27th supplement to "Our food today, no.3" : "Children and young people" / Ministry of Food, Public Relations Division.
  • Easter, 1899 : F. Monk begs to announce that he is providing for Easter consumption several very choice consignments of English lamb direct from the farms at Wallingford, Chichester and Bridewater / F. Monk, London Road, Kingston-on-Thames.
  • Two Khoikhoi people (South African tribe) tearing the intestines of an ox apart to eat; four men seated in the background, one of them eating intestines of the ox. Engraving, 1768.
  • Meat : your guide to healthy eating / Tesco Stores Ltd.
  • Frozen foods : quick & easy barbecue ideas / Tesco.
  • Red meat : Red meat is a great source of protein and essential nutrients including iron and zinc, however, it is also high in saturated fat, therefore moderation matters.
  • Viande et charcuterie : no. ... : la loi punit des peines les plus graves, notamment des travaux forcés à perpetuité, la contrefaçon, le trafic et la mise en circulation irrégulière des titres d'alimentation.
  • Meat : your guide to healthy eating / Tesco Stores Ltd.
  • Liver, heart, kidney, tripe, &c. / Stork Margarine Cookery Service.
  • Real German sausages : guaranteed perfectly pure of the finest materials and free from all sinews and indigestable matter / prepared only by Irvine & Stevenson.
  • Rationing order, 1918 : N.86 : Food Office of Issue : St. Columb. ... : counterfoil ... / [Ministry of Food].
  • War-time food problems / London Vegetarian Society.
  • Viande et charcuterie : no. ... : la loi punit des peines les plus graves, notamment des travaux forcés à perpetuité, la contrefaçon, le trafic et la mise en circulation irrégulière des titres d'alimentation.
  • Meat : your guide to healthy eating / Tesco Stores Ltd.