Collections offers and donations

Conservation care of the Audrey Amiss collection, Photo: Steven Pocock. Source: Wellcome Collection. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Get in touch if you’ve got something to offer us for the collections.
We actively seek out and preserve contemporary and historical material that enhances our collections and brings in new perspectives. We are particularly interested in material that gives voice to lived experiences of health and reflects the richness and complexity of what it means to be human.
We collect across many formats, including archives, visual and material culture, moving image and sound, manuscripts, ephemera, zines, printed and published works, building our collections according to our Collections Development Policy.
If you’re thinking of offering material to us, first check our catalogue search to see if we already have the item, as we don't collect duplicates.
Please contact us before you send any material as we cannot accept unsolicited donations. If we’re not the best home for your items, we’ll do our best to suggest alternatives.
Get in touch if you have material to offer to us:
Collections Development Team