- Ephemera
- Online
2 ways to optimize your protein purifications/concentrations : high recovery, high flow / Millipore Corporation.
Millipore Corporation.Date: 1997- Ephemera
- Online
Microcon concentrators are now even easier to use... / Millipore (U.K.) Ltd.
Millipore (UK)Date: 1997- Ephemera
- Online
See overleaf for details on how to take advantage of our celebratory offer... : get a free Millifuge! / Millipore.
Millipore (UK)Date: 2001- Ephemera
- Online
Molecular biology products / Techne, Cambridge.
Techne (Cambridge) Limited.Date: [1996]- Ephemera
- Online
Pure DNA : improve your DNA purification with centrifugal devices from Millipore : Amicon bioseparations / Millipore.
Millipore Corporation.Date: 1999