Wallis, John, 1616-1703
By this person (10)
About this person (12)
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Johannis Wallisii, S.T.D. Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Elenchus geometriæ Hobbianæ. Sive, Geometricorum, quæ in ipsius Elementis philosophiæ, à Thoma Hobbes Malmesburiensi proferuntur, refutatio.
Wallis, John, 1616-1703Date: 1655- Books
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Johannis Wallisii S.T.D. in celeberrima academia Oxoniensi geometriæ professoris Saviliani exercitationes tres.
Wallis, John, 1616-1703Date: 1678- Books
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A defence of the Royal Society, and the philosophical transactions, particularly those of July, 1670 : in answer to the cavils of Dr. William Holder / by John Wallis ... ; in a letter to the Right Honourable, William Lord Viscount Brouncker.
Wallis, John, 1616-1703Date: 1678- Books
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Aristarchou Samiou Peri megethōn kai apostēmatōn hēliou kai selēnēs biblion : Aristarchi Samii De magnitudinibus & distantiis solis & lunae liber. Pappou Alexandreōs tou tēs synagōgēs bibliou 2 apospasma = Pappi Alexandrini secundi libri mathematicae collectionis fragmentum, hactenus desideratum / e codis MS. edidit, Latinum fecit, notisque illustravit Johannes Wallis.
Aristarchus, of SamosDate: 1688- Books
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The doctrine of permutations and combinations, being an essential and fundamental part of the doctrine of chances; as it is delivered by Mr. James Bernoulli, in his excellent treatise on the doctrine of chances, intitled, Ars conjectandi, and by the celebrated Dr. John Wallis, of Oxford, in a tract intitled from the subject, and published at the end of his Treatise on algebra: in the former of which tracts is contained, a demonstration of Sir Isaac Newton's famous binomial theorem, in the cases of integral powers, and of the reciprocals of integral powers. Together with some other useful mathematical tracts / [by various authors] Published by Francis Maseres, esq.
Date: 1795