Bishop, Thomas.
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A plain and practical exposition of the catechism of the Church of England. By Thomas Bishop, D. D. Minister of St. Mary at Tower Parish in Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk
Bishop, Thomas- Pictures
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A young woman rushes to the aid of a woman (Lady Strawberry) fainting into the arms of servants after taking poison, with her distressed husband (Lord Strawberry) standing nearby. Aquatint.
Bishop, Thomas.Date: 1811Reference: 42827i- Books
Examinations for sanitary inspectors : questions and answers / by Thomas Bishop.
Bishop, Thomas.Date: 1939- E-books
- Online
The errors and absurdities of the Arian and Semiarian schemes, and especially the polytheism and idolatry by which they have corrupted the Christian faith: represented in eight sermons, preach'd at the cathedral of St. Paul in London: in the years 1724, a
Bishop, Thomas