Evans, John, active 1613-1659
- Books
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Euans 1630 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1630, being the second fro[m] leap yeere ... : composed according to art for the longitude & latitude of Shrewesburie.
Evans, John, active 1613-1659Date: [1630]- Books
- Online
Euans 1631 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ 1631, from the creation of the world 5652, being the third after leape yeare : the calculations referred to the meridian, & latitude of the ancient shiretowne of Shrewsbury, but will serue conueniently any part within the continent of Great Brittaine / by Iohn Euans.
Evans, John, active 1613-1659Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
The universall medicine: or the virtues of my magneticall or antimoniall cup / [John Evans].
Evans, John, active 1613-1659Date: 1642- Books
- Online
The universall medicine, or, The virtues of the magneticall, or antimoniall cup : confirmed to be a health-procuring, health-preserving, and health-restoring effectuall medicine by extant monuments of antiquity, by testimonies of Honourable personages, by 100 admirable and rare experiments, by 200 persons of quality that have experienced the same / collected by John Evans.
Evans, John, active 1613-1659Date: 1642, 1651- Books
- Online
Euans. 1625 : An almanacke for the yeare of grace. 1625. Being the first from bissextile or leape yeare. Calculated according to the latitude of the famous and ancient towne of Shrewsburie. And may conueniently serue for any place within the monarchie of great Brittaine. By Iohn Euans.
Evans, John, active 1613-1659Date: 1625