Willughby, Francis, 1635-1672
By this person (7)
About this person (4)
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Observations topographical, moral, and physiological; made in a journey through part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy, and France : with a catalogue of plants not native of England, found spontaneously growing in those parts, and their virtues ...
Ray, John, 1627-1705.Date: 1673- Books
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Philosophical letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents ... To which are added those of Francis Willughby, Esq; the whole consisting of many curious discoveries ... in the history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects, plants, fossiles, fountains, etc / Published by W. Derham.
Ray, John, 1627-1705Date: 1718- Books
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Observations topographical, moral, and physiological; made in a journey through part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy, and France : with a catalogue of plants not native of England, found spontaneously growing in those parts, and their virtues ...
Ray, John, 1627-1705.Date: 1673- Books
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Francisci Willughbeii ... : Ornithologiæ libri tres ... / totum opus recognovit, digessit, supplevit Joannes Raius. ; Sumptus in Chalcographos fecit Illustriss. D. Emma Willughby, Vidua.
Willughby, Francis, 1635-1672.Date: 1676- Books
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Catalogus stirpium in exteris regionibus a nobis observatarum, quae vel non omnino vel parcè admodum in Anglia sponte proveniunt.
Rode, Johan, 1587-1659.Date: 1673