- Books
Íslenzkir Annálar, sive annales Islandici, ab anno Christi 803 ad annum 1430 / Ex Legati Arnæ-Magnæani et Magnæ bibliothecæ regiæ hafniensis melioris notæ codicibus membranaceis et chartaceis, cum interpretatione latina, variis lectionibus, prolegomenis, nec non indice personarum, locorum & rerum. [In Icelandic and Latin].
Date: 1847- Books
- Online
Scandinavian winter health resorts / by T.N. Kelynack.
Kelynack, T. N. (Theophilus Nicholas), 1866-1944.Date: 1910- Books
Academic dissertations at the dental colleges and the odontological faculties in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, 1907-1975 : a bibliography with some remarks on the history of the dental schools and on the introduction of the odontological doctor degree / Åke B. Löfgren.
Löfgren, Åke B.Date: [1977?]- Books
Science and technology in Scandinavia / Georges Ferné.
Ferné, Georges.Date: 1989- Books
Forhandlinger ved 2. Nordiske kongress for medisinsk historie, Oslo, 31. mai-1. juni 1969.. : Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Congress for Medical History, Oslo, May 31st-June 1st, 1969 / Redaktör: Oeivind Larsen.
Nordiske Kongress for Medisinsk Historie 1969 : Oslo, Norway)Date: 1969