Regemorter, Assuerus, 1614-1650
By this person (12)
About this person (1)
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A treatise of the rickets: being a disease common to children / ... Published in Latine by Francis Glisson, George Bate, and Ahasuerus Regemorter ... Translated by Phil Armin. Enl., corr., and ... amended ... By Nich. Culpeper.
Glisson, Francis, 1597-1677Date: 1668- Books
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A treatise of the rickets : being a disease common to children. Wherein (among many other things) is shewed, 1. The essence, 2. The causes, 3. The signs, 4. The remedies of the disease. Published in Latine, by Francis Glisson, George Bate, and Ahasuerus Regemorter: doctors of physick, and fellows of the Colledge of Physitians at London. Translated by Phil. Armin. Englarged, corrected, and very much amended throughout the whole book. By Nich. Culpeper Gent. student in physick and astrology.
Glisson, Francis, 1597-1677Date: 1668- Books
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Disputationem publicam inauguralem de febribus intermittentibus / [Assuerus Regemorter].
Regemorter, Assuerus, 1614-1650Date: 1635- Books
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De rachitide sive morbo puerili; qui vulgo the rickets dicitur. Tractatus / opera primò ac potissimùm Francisci Glissonii ... conscriptus: adscitis ... Georgio Bate & Ahasuero Regemortero.
Glisson, Francis, 1597-1677.Date: 1655- Books
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Tractatus de rachitide, sive morbo puerili / Francisci Glissonii ; subtextis continuè observationibus Georgii Bate, et Ahasueri Regemorteri.
Glisson, Francis, 1597-1677.Date: 1682