Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-1827
By this person (4)
About this person (2)
- Books
Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa, from the Bight of Berin to Soccatoo / By the late Commander Clapperton. To which is added, the journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the sea-coast. Partly by a more eastern, route. With a map of the route, chiefly laid down from actual observations for latitude and longitude.
Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-1827.Date: 1829- Books
- Online
Narratives of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824 / by Major Denham, Captain Clapperton, and the late Doctor Oudney : extending across the great desert to the tenth degree of northern latitute, and from Kouka in Bornou, to Sackatoo, the capital of the Fellatah empire ; With an appendix.
Denham, Dixon, 1786-1828.Date: 1826- Books
- Online
Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa, from the Bight of Berin to Soccatoo / by the late Commander Clapperton ... To which is added, the journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the sea-coast. Partly by a more eastern route. With a portrait of Captain Clapperton, and a map of the route, chiefly laid down from actual observations for latitude and longitude.
Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-1827.Date: 1829- Books
Richard Lander from Kano to the sea-coast / [Hugh Clapperton].
Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-1827Date: 1829