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The act of assembly of the island of Jamaica, to repeal several acts, and clauses of acts, respecting slaves, and for the better Order and Government of Slaves, and for other Purposes; commonly called the Consolidated Act, as Exhibiting at One View Most o
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The proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroon negroes: Published by Order of the Assembly. To which is prefixed, an introductory account, containing, Observations on the Disposition, Character, Manners, and Habits of Lif
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Votes of the Honourable House of Assembly of Jamaica, in a session begun October 31, and ended December 23, 1797. Being the third session of the present Assembly
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An address relating to the African Company, to be presented to Her Majesty. To the Queen's most excellent Majesty, the humble address of the Governour, Council and Assembly, of the island of Jamaica
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The Assembly of the island of Jamaica having, on the 9th day of December 1784, come to the following resolution ... Mr. Stephen Fuller ... thinks himself in duty bound to lay before both Houses of Parliament ... the substance of the petitions presented to