Clifton, Francis, -1736
By this person (4)
About this person (1)
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The state of physick, ancient and modern, briefly consider'd: with a plan for the improvement of it / By Francis Clifton.
Clifton, Francis, -1736.Date: 1732- Books
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Etat de la medecine ancienne et moderne : avec un plan pour perfectionner celle-ci / par M. Clifton ... ; traduit de l'anglois par M.L.D.F. ; avec Les expériences sur le remede de Mademoiselle Stephens, faites par M. Hales ..., traduites par M. Cantwel.
Clifton, Francis, -1736.Date: MDCCXLII [1742]- Books
- Online
Tabular observations recommended as the plainest and surest way of improving physick. In a letter to a friend / by Francis Clifton.
Clifton, Francis, -1736.Date: 1731- Books
- Online
Hippocrates upon Air, water, and situation; upon Epidemical diseases; and upon Prognosticks, in acute cases especially / To which is added The life of Hippopocrates from Solanus. And Thucydides's Account of the plague of Athens. The whole translated, methodis'd, and illustrated with useful and explanatory notes. By Francis Clifton.
Hippocrates.Date: 1752