Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus
- Books
Mund- og klovesyge virus : studier over den antigene variabilitet / af E. Michelsen.
Michelsen, E.Date: 1949- Books
Report of the Commission for Research on the Foot-and-Mouth Disease / by Friedrich Loeffler and Frosch.
Löffler, Friedrich, 1852-1915.Date: 1964- Books
Studies on foot-and-mouth disease = Estudios sobre fiebre aftosa : a report of the Argentine-United States Joint Commission on Foot-and-Mouth Disease.
Argentine-United States Joint Commission on Foot and Mouth Disease.Date: 1966- Books
Cento Seminar on the control and eradication of viral diseases in the CENTO region : with special emphasis on foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest and rinderpest-like diseases.
CENTO Seminar on the Control and Eradication of Viral Diseases in the CENTO Region (1972 : Istanbul)Date: 1972