Medicine, Greek and Roman
- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0005000: Roman surgical instruments from Pompeii
Date: 4 November 1936Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/40/88Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0000357: Greco-Roman cupping vessels and Roman bronze rectal speculum
Date: 1929Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/4/70Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
Jacob of Forlivio, Quaestiones super libros Tegni Galeni
Date: Early 15th centuryReference: MS.374- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0000358: Greco-Roman bronze bladder sound, bronze speculum and other instruments
Date: 1929Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/4/71Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
On affections / Hippocrates ; edited, translated and with a commentary by Pilar Pérez Cañizares = De affectionibus / Hippocratis ; edidit, in linguam anglicam vertit, commentata est Pilar Pérez Cañizares.
HippocratesDate: 2024