Predictive astrology
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Merlinus Gallicus: Or, A prediction for the year of grace, 1660 : Representing the state and condition of all sorts of persons in Europe, from the crown to the clown. Deduced from the configurations of the luminaries, conjunctions and aspects of the planets, after a more certain manner then practised by English artists. Together with the nativity of the illustrious King of Denmark: proving it impossible (by the canons of astrology) for him to lose his kingdom, or for the Swede to become lord thereof, wherein Merlinus Anglicus may see his error. Also a question and answer in astrology, whether Copenhagen shall be taken or no: with many other things of profitable consequence. / By Monsieur Fr. Missonne Philastrogus. To which is added, an everlasting almanack; with an easie way to erect a figure, and give judgement of the weather, and tables of houses fitted for several latitudes.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704Date: 1660 [i.e. 1659]- Books
- Online
An English ephemeris : or generall and monethly predicitions upon severall eclipses, and celestiall configurations, for the yeare of our Lord 1650. By W. Lele student in astrology.
Date: 1650 [i.e. 1649]- Books
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At the sign of the moon and stars in Leopard's Court in Baldwins-Gardens near Holborn, lives a gentleman, who by the benefit of a learned education in the University of Louvain, daily study and 30 years practice and travels : has arrived to a greater perfection in several arts than the common practioners in physick and astrology can justly pretend to.
Date: [1690?]- Books
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Poor Robin : 1690. An almanack of the old and new fashion. Wherein the reader may see (if he put on a pair of understanding spectacles) many remarkable things worthy of his choicest observation. Containing a twofold kalendar; viz. the Julian, English, or old account, and the roundheads, fanaticks, paper-scull'd, or maggot-headed new account, with their several saints-days, and observations upon every month. Being the second after bissextile or leap-year. Written by Poor Robin, knight of the Burnt-Island, a well-willer to the mathematicks.
Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698Date: 1690- Books
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Thomas Saffold, an approved and licensed physician, and student in astrology, still lives at the Black-Ball and old Lilly's Head : next door to the feather-shops that are within Black-Fryars Gate-way, which is over against Ludgate-Church, just by Ludgate, in London, who resolves these questions following, viz. Whether any ones life may be happy or unhappy.
Date: [between 1674 and 1691]