


  • Allmanach auff das 1581 jar ... / Durch Petrum Slovacium gestellet auff den Meridian der kayserlichen Stadt Breslaw.
  • Frende. 1593. A new almanacke and prognostication, seruing for the yeere of our Lorde God. M.D. XCIII. : Composed according to lawfull and lawdable art, and referred specially to the meridian and eleuation of the northeren pole of Canterburie, but may serue vniuersally, without any great error, for most partes of Englande. / By Gabriell Frende, practitioner in Astrologie and phisicke.
  • Hazeltine's pocket book almanac 1895 : 17th series / E. T. Hazeltine.
  • Hazeltine's pocket book almanac 1895 : 17th series / E. T. Hazeltine.
  • Hazeltine's pocket book almanac 1895 : 17th series / E. T. Hazeltine.


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