- Books
La diathermie dans les affections du tube digestif / par Marcel Laemmer.
Laemmer, Marcel.Date: 1930- Books
Diathermie et diathermothérapie / par H. Bordier.
Bordier, Henry.Date: 1931- Books
Diathermy : its production and uses in medicine and surgery / by Elkin P. Cumberbatch.
Cumberbatch, Elkin P.Date: 1921- Books
The elements of medical high frequency and diathermy : for assistants and nurses / by W. Claughton Douglass.
Douglass, W. Claughton.Date: 1930- Books
Diathermy : short wave therapy, inductothermy, epithermy / by William Beaumont.
Beaumont, William.Date: 1939