Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837
By this person (49)
About this person (12)
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Vaccinæ vindicia; or, defence of vaccination : containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination, [&c] / By Robert John Thornton.
Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837.Date: 1806- Books
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The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians, London ... / translated from the Latin edition of 1817, and rendered more convenient ... by the addition of the properties, doses, & c. of each preparation ... By R.J. Thornton.
Date: 1817- Books
- Online
Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837Date: 1806- Books
- Online
The philosophy of medicine : being medical extracts on the nature and preservation of health, and on the nature and removal of disease.
Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837.Date: 1813- Pictures
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Bee Larkspur (Delphinium sp. var.): flowering stem with separate labelled floral segments. Engraving by J. Caldwall, c.1805, after P. Henderson.
Henderson, Peter, active 1799-1829.Date: 1 January 1805Reference: 18315i