Wilkins, John, 1614-1672
By this person (19)
About this person (4)
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The mathematical and philosophical works of the Right Reverend John Wilkins ... To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an account of his works / [John Wilkins].
Wilkins, John, 1614-1672.Date: 1708- Books
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The discovery of a vvorld in the moone. Or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in that planet.
Wilkins, John, 1614-1672Date: 1638- Books
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The new planet no planet: or, the earth no wandring star: except in the wandring heads of Galileans. Here out of the principles of divinity, philosophy, astronomy, reason and sense, the earth's immobility is asserted; the true sense of Scripture in the point, cleared; the Fathers and philosophers vindicated; divers theologicall and philosophicall points handled, and Copernicus his opinion as erroneous, ridiculous and impious, fully refuted / By Alexander Rosse. In answer to a discourse, that the earth may be a planet [by J. Wilkins].
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1646- Books
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Mathematicall magick. Or, the wonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry in two books, concerning mechanical powers [and] motions : being one of the most easie, pleasant, useful, (and yet most neglected) part of mathematicks ... / By J. Wilkins.
Wilkins, John, 1614-1672.Date: 1680- Books
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Of the principles and duties of natural religion : two books / By the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. John Wilkins, late Lord Bishop of Chester. To which is added, A sermon preached at his funeral, by William Lloyd.
Wilkins, John, 1614-1672.Date: 1734