
Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637


  • Maison rustique, or, the countrey farme / compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault ... and translated into English by Richard Surflet ... Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French, Albyterio [i.e. the 'Libro de albeyteria' of F. de la Reyna] in Spanish, Grilli [i.e. Gallo?] in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandry of France, Italie, and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham.
  • The English house-wife. Containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physicke, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyls, banqueting stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preserving of all sort of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth and dying; the knowledge of dayries, office of malting; of oates, their excellent uses in families: of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to a household / A work generally approved, and now the fourth time much augmented. Purged, and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the general good of this kingdome. By G.M.
  • Maison rustique, or, the countrey farme / compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault ... and translated into English by Richard Surflet ... Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French, Albyterio [i.e. the 'Libro de albeyteria' of F. de la Reyna] in Spanish, Grilli [i.e. Gallo?] in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandry of France, Italie, and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham.
  • Markhams Maisterpeece. Conteyning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech ... / [Gervase Markham].
  • Maison rustique, or, the countrey farme / compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault ... and translated into English by Richard Surflet ... Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French, Albyterio [i.e. the 'Libro de albeyteria' of F. de la Reyna] in Spanish, Grilli [i.e. Gallo?] in Italian, and other authors. And the husbandry of France, Italie, and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham.


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