Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641
By this person (30)
About this person (1)
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A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie ... Containing the methodical doctrine of wounds: delivered in lectures in the Barber-Chirurgeons Hall. Upon Tuesdayes ... / [Alexander Read].
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1638- Books
An epitomie of most experienced, excellent and profitable secrets appertaining to physicke and chirurgery : for all those diseases that are most predominant and dangerous ... in the body of man : Also, the judgement of urines ... / by O[wen] W[ood] professour in physicke and chyrurgery.
Wood, Owen, active 1639Date: 1651- Books
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A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie, called by mee Synthetike : the part which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Containing the methodical doctrine of wounds: delivered in lectures in the Barber-Chirurgeons Hall, upon Tuesdayes, appointed for these exercises, and the keeping of their courts. By Alexander Read, Doctor of Physick, a brother of the same company, and one of the fellowes of the Physitians College of the famous citie London.
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1638- Books
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A treatise of all the muscules of the whole bodie / By Alexander Read, Doctor of Physicke, a fellow of the Colledge of the Physicians of the famous city of London, and a brother of the Worshipfull Company of Barbour-Chirurgeons of the same citie.
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1637- Books
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The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man:stet : containing the enumeration, and description of the parts of the same; which usually are shewn in the publick anatomical exercises. With sundry figures thereunto belonging. The fifth edition. By Alexander Read, Doctor of Physick; a fellow of the Physicians Colledge of London; and a brother of the worshipful Company of the Barber Chirurgians.
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1655