Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.
- Books
An essay on diseases of the skin: containing practical observations on sulphureous fumigations in the cure of cutaneous complaints, with cases / [Sir Arthur Clarke].
Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.Date: 1821- Books
- Online
An essay on warm, cold, and vapour bathing, with practical observations on sea bathing, diseases of the skin, bilious, liver complaints, and dropsy. / By Sir Arthur Clarke, M.D.
Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.Date: 1820- Books
- Online
A code of instructions for the treatment of sufferers from railroad and steam-boat accidents; sudden attacks of illness, and suspended animation from various causes, until medical aid can be procured, also an essay on the cure of diseases by means of water, exercise, and diet / [Sir Arthur Clarke].
Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.Date: 1849- Books
- Online
A practical manual for the preservation of health and the prevention of diseases incidental to the middle and advanced stages of life. Particularly rheumatism, gout, stone, gravel, apoplexy, asthma, pulmonary consumption, & c / by Arthur Clarke.
Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.Date: 1824- Books
- Online
An essay on warm, cold, and vapour bathing, with practical observations on sea-bathing, diseases of the skin, bilious, liver complaints and dropsy / [Sir Arthur Clarke].
Clarke, Arthur, Sir, 1773-1857.Date: 1819