Wilkinson, Lise, Lady.
- Books
Animals and disease : an introduction to the history of comparative medicine / Lise Wilkinson.
Wilkinson, Lise, Lady.Date: 1992- Books
Zoonoses and the development of concepts of contagion and infection / L. Wilkinson.
Wilkinson, Lise, Lady.Date: 1993- Books
Epidemiology / Lise Wilkinson.
Wilkinson, Lise, Lady.Date: 1994- Books
Sir Austin Bradford Hill : medical statistics and the quantitative approach to prevention of disease / L. Wilkinson.
Wilkinson, Lise, Lady.Date: 1997- Books
The London and Liverpool Schools of Tropical Medicine 1898-1998 / Lise Wilkinson and Helen Power.
Wilkinson, Lise, Lady.Date: 1998