Oil paintings
- Pictures
- Online
A sick woman praying to Christ on the cross. Oil painting by a Spanish painter, 1857.
Reference: 44925i- Pictures
A man designated as John Cheyne, physician. Oil painting, ca. 1900(?).
Date: [1900?]Reference: 578676i- Pictures
- Online
7th self-portrait.
Charnley, Bryan, 1949-1991Date: 7 May 1991Reference: 3049693iPart of: Bryan Charnley Self-portraits.- Pictures
Barber surgeons operating. Oil painting after E. van Heemskerck.
Heemskerck, Egbert van, 1634 or 1635-1704.Reference: 47440i- Pictures
A man designated as John Radcliffe. Oil painting, ca. 1910 (?).
Reference: 583720i