Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de, Sir, 1573-1655
By this person (25)
About this person (21)
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The Compleat midwife's practice enlarged : in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man : containing a perfect directory or rules for midwives and nurses : as also a guide for women in their conception, bearing and nursing of children, from the experience of our English authors, viz. Sir Theodore Mayerne, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich. Culpeper, and others of foreign nations : with instructions of the Queen of France's midwife to her daughter ... touching the practice of the said art ... the whole illustrated with copper plates.
Date: 1698- Books
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Praxeos mayernianæ : in morbis internis præcipue gravioribus & chronicis syntagma, ex adversariis, consiliis ac epistolis ejus, summâ curâ ac diligentiâ concinnatum.
Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de, Sir, 1573-1655Date: 1690- Books
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The complete midvvife's practice enlarged : in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man. Containing a perfect directory, or rules for midwives and nurses. As also a guide for women in their conception, bearing and nursing of children: from the experience of our English viz. Sir Theodore Mayern, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich Culpeper. and others of forreign nations. With instructions of the Queen of France's midwife to her daughter, a little before her death, touching the practice of the said art. The fourth edition enlarged, with the addition of Sir Theodore Mayerns rare secrets in midwifry, with the approbation of sundry the most knowing professors of midwifry now living in the city of London, and other places, viz. R.C. J.D. M.S. T.B.W.C.M.H. practitioners of the said art. With a further discovery of those secrets kept close in the breast of Mr. Nich. Culpeper, and other English writers; never made publick till now. A work so plain, that the weakest capacity may easily attain the knowledge of the whole art. Illu.
Chamberlayne, ThomasDate: 1680- Books
The distiller of London: with the clavis to unlock the deepest secrets of that mysterious art. With many additions of the most excellent cordial waters / Which have been pen'd by our most able doctors and physicians ... [Examined and corrected by T. de Mayerne and T. Cademan].
Date: 1652- Books
Medicinal councels, or advices / written originally in French [by T. de Mayerne] Put out in Latine ... by Theoph. Bonetus, M.D. Englished by Tho. Sherley.
Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de, Sir, 1573-1655Date: 1677