Using this type/technique (9)
About this type/technique (17)
- Books
A world of beasts : a thirteenth-century illustrated Arabic book on animals (the Kitāb Na't al-Ḥayawān) in the Ibn Bakhtīshū' tradition / by Anna Contadini.
Contadini, Anna.Date: 2012- Books
Physiologus : a metrical bestiary of twelve chapters / by Bishop Theobald, printed in Cologne 1492. The author is believed to have been abbot of Monte Cassino, A.D. 1022-1035, and a description of the abbey is appended with illustrations ; translated by Alan Wood Rendell.
Theobaldus, Episcopus, active 1025.Date: 1928- Books
Libellus de natura animalium / a fifteenth century bestiary reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by J.I. Davis.
Date: 1958- Books
Two East Anglian picture books : a facsimile of the Helmingham herbal and bestiary and Bodleian MS. Ashmole 1504 / edited by Nicolas Barker.
Date: 1988- Books
Bestiarium : die Texte der Handschrift Ms. Ashmole 1511 der Bodleian Library Oxford in lateinischer und deutscher Sprache / Franz Unterkircher.
Unterkircher, Franz.Date: 1986