Jesus Christ
By this person (11)
About this person (456)
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The marrow of ecclesiastical history, contained in the lives of one hundred forty eight Fathers, schoolmen, first reformers, and modern divines. Which have flourished in the Church since Christ's time to this present age : faithfully collected, and orderly disposed according to the centuries wherein they lived together with the lively effigies of most of the eminent of them cut in copper / by Samuel Clark.
Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682.Date: 1654- Books
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Gymnasium syriacum. Hoc est, linguae Iesu Christo vernaculae perfecta institutio, ex Nova Testamento syro et aliis rerum syriacarum scriptoribus collecta. Novis & genuinis characteribus adornata.
Matthew, Tobias, 1546-1628.Date: 1611- Books
Vier Tractätlein des seeligen Johannes Pordädschens M.D. in Manuschriptis [sic] hinterlassen: und nun ... übergesetzt ... I. Von der aeussern Gebuhrt und Fleischwerdung Jesu Christi ... II. Von der mystischen und innern Gebuhrt und Fleischwerdung Jesu Christi ... III. Vom Geiste des Glaubens ... IV. Experimentale Endeckungen von Vereinigung der Naturen, Essenzen, Tincturen, etc / [John Pordage].
Pordage, John, 1607-1681Date: 1704- Books
Gymnasium syriacum. Hoc est, linguae Iesu Christo vernaculae perfecta institutio, ex Nova Testamento syro et aliis rerum syriacarum scriptoribus collecta. Novis & genuinis characteribus adornata / à M. Christophoro Crinesio.
Crinesius, Christoph, 1584-1629.Date: 1611- Books
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The sermon of Our Blessed Saviour on the Mount / extracted from the New Testament, and circulated by the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society.
Date: 1816