
Caius, John, 1510-1573


By this person (8)
About this person (10)
  • Ioannis Caii britanni De medendi methodo libri duo, ex Cl. Galeni Pergameni, et Jo. Baptistae Montani Veronenis, principum medicorum, sententia. Opus utile, & jam primum natum.
  • A boke, or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatying sicknesse. Very necessary for everye personne, and muche requisite to be had in the handes of al sortes, for their better instruction, preparacion and defence, against the soubdein comyng, and fearful assaultying of the same disease / [John Caius].
  • A boke, or counseill against the disease commonly called the sweate, or sweatying sicknesse. Very necessary for everye personne, and muche requisite to be had in the handes of al sortes, for their better instruction, preparacion and defence, against the soubdein comyng, and fearful assaultying of the same disease / [John Caius].
  • De canibus Britannicis, liber unus. De rariorum animalium et stirpium historia, liber unus. De libris propriis, liber unus. Iam primum excusi / [John Caius].
  • Ioannis Caii britanni De medendi methodo libri duo, ex Cl. Galeni Pergameni, et Jo. Baptistae Montani Veronenis, principum medicorum, sententia. Opus utile, & jam primum natum.


By this person (23)
About this person (27)