Pius VI, Pope, 1717-1799
By this person (11)
About this person (4)
- Books
Diario del viaggio di Sua Santità il Sommo Pontefice Pio Sesto ... dalla sua partenza da Roma fino al giorno della sua morte / scritto fedelmente da un domestico del seguito di essa Santità Sua.
Pius VI, Pope, 1717-1799Date: [1799]- Pictures
Women personifying three cardinal virtues: (left to right) fortitude, prudence and temperance. Line engraving by R. Morghen after S. Tofanelli after Raphael.
Raphael, 1483-1520.Date: [between 1775 and 1799]Reference: 3048849i- Pictures
Hadrian's villa, Tivoli: reconstructed buildings. Engraving by D. Palmucci.
Palmucci, Domenico.Date: [between 1775 and 1799]Reference: 2924662i- Pictures
- Online
The school of Athens: a gathering of ancient philosophers. Engraving by G. Volpato after G. Cades after Raphael.
Raphael, 1483-1520.Date: [between 1700 and 1799]Reference: 545945i- Pictures
A statue of Cleopatra sleeping. Engraving by F. Piranesi, 1781, after L. Roccheggiani.
Roccheggiani, Lorenzo, active 1804-1817.Date: 1781Reference: 31158i