Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682
By this person (28)
About this person (10)
- Books
Joannis Joachimi Becheri Methodus didactica, seu, Clavis et praxis super Novum suum organon philologicum.
Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682.Date: 1674- Books
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Trifolium Becherianum Hollandicum oder ... J.J. Bechers drey neue Erfindungen ... / auss der niederländischen ... Sprache übersetzet.
Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682.Date: 1679- Books
Institutiones chimicae prodromae, id est, Joannis Joachimi Becheri ... Oedipus chimicus obscuriorum terminorum et principiorum chimicorum, mysteria aperiens et resolvens. Opusculum, omnibus medicinae & chimiae studiosis, lectu perquam utile & necessarium / [Johann Joachim Becher].
Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682.Date: 1664- Books
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[Magnalia naturæ:] or, The truth of the philosophers-stone asserted : having been lately expos'd to publick sight and sale. Being a true and exact account of the manner how Wenceslaus Seilerus the late famous projection-maker, at the Emperours Court, at Vienna came by, and made away with a very great quantity of pouder of projection, by projecting with it before the Emperor, and a thousand vvitnesses, selling it, &c. for some years past. Published at the request, and for the satisfaction of several curious and ingenious, especially of Mr. Boyl, &c. By one who was not only a ey-witness in the affair, but also concern'd as a commissioner by the Emperor for the examen of it.
Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682Date: 1686- Books
Actorum laboratorii chymici Monacensis, seu Physicae subterraneae libri duo, quorum prior profundam subterraneorum genesin, necnon admirandam globi terr-aque-aërei super et subterranei fabricam: posterior, specialem subterraneorum naturam, resolutionem in partes partiumque proprietates exponit, accesserunt sub finem mille hypotheses, seu mixtiones chymicae / Elaboravit & publicavit Joh. Joachimus Becherus.
Becher, Johann Joachim, 1635-1682.Date: 1669