Sussex (England)
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Sussex. To wit a calendar of all the prisoners in his Majesty's gaol at Horsham in the said county, to be tried at the next assizes ... at Lewes, ... on Saturday the 3d day of August, 1765
Sussex (England)- E-books
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A poll, Taken by Henry Montague Esq; (sheriff of the County of Sussex) at the City of Chichester, on Thursday and Friday the Ninth and Tenth Days of May 1734. For the Election of Two knights to serve for the said County in this present Parliament. Each pa
Sussex (England)- E-books
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The poll for knights of the shire to represent the county of Sussex; expressing The Names of the Candidates, and for which of them every Person voted. The Places of Abode, and Names of the Electors; their Parish, and Nature of their Freeholds; with the Na
Sussex (England)