Boethius, -524
By this person (11)
About this person (3)
- Books
De consolatione philosophiae / [Boethius].
Boethius, -524.Date: [1491]- Books
- Online
Two treatises. In the one of which, the nature of bodies; in the other, the nature of mans soule; is looked into: in way of discovery, of the immortality of reasonable soules.
Boethius, -524.Date: 1644- Books
- Online
[Opera] / [Boethius].
Boethius, -524.Date: 10 February 1497[1498]-8 July 1499- Books
Boetius de philosophico consolatu siue de consolatio[n]e philosophi[a]e: cu[m] figur[is] ornatissimis nouit[er] expolit[us].
Boethius, -524Date: Anno incarnationis d[omi]ni millesimo quingentesimo primo, kalendas vero. viii. septe[m]bris [8 September 1501]- Pictures
- Online
The figure of Philosophy appearing to Boethius. Chromolithograph by Thurwanger after C. Ciappori after a 15th-century painting.
Boethius, -524.Date: [1858]Reference: 91i