Robinson, Bryan, 1680-1754
By this person (8)
About this person (2)
- Books
A letter to Dr. Cheyne occasioned by Dr. Robinson's Letter to him, in defence of his [Robinson's] Treatise of the animal oeconomy, against Dr. Morgan's objections in his Mechanical practice / [Thomas Morgan].
Morgan, Thomas, -1743Date: 1738- Books
- Online
A letter to Dr. Cheyne : containing an account of the motion of water through orifices and pipes; and an answer to Dr. Morgan's remarks on Dr. Robinson's Treatise of the animal oeconomy.
Robinson, Bryan, 1680-1754.Date: 1735- Books
Le pharmacien moderne, ou nouvelle maniere de préparer les drogues / traduite de l'anglois par M. Eidous, avec des Experiences de medecine sur des animaux, par M. Langrish, D.M. [traduites ... par M.L** docteur en médecine] et une Dissertation sur la transpiration, par M. Robinson, D.M. [traduite ... par M. L*** docteur en médecine].
Date: 1750- Books
A treatise of the animal oeconomy / [Bryan Robinson].
Robinson, Bryan, 1680-1754Date: 1734 [i.e. 1737]- Books
- Online
The case of five children, who were inoculated in Dublin on the 26th of August 1725 ... / [Bryan Robinson].
Robinson, Bryan, 1680-1754Date: 1725