Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656
By this person (3)
About this person (3)
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Cases of conscience practically resolved : containing a decision of the principall cases of conscience of daily concernment and continual use amongst men : very necessary for their information and direction in these evil times / by Jos. Hall.
Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656Date: 1654- Books
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The remedy of prophanenesse. Or, Of the true sight and feare of the Almighty : A needful tractate. In two bookes. By Ios. Exon.
Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656Date: 1637- Books
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Fanatick moderation, exemplified in Bishop Hall's Hard measure, as it was written by himself : To which is annex'd, a specimen of the unparralell'd behaviour of the sectaries, towards some others of that sacred order. As likewise, a general bill of mortality of the clergy of the City of London, who were defunct, by reason of the contagious breath of the pretended reformers of that city, from the year 1641, to the year 1647.
Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656Date: [between 1680 and 1689?]