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133 results filtered with: Cows
  • Two cows resting by a woodland pool as a boy pipes in the tree above. Etching by C.-W. Kolbe, the elder.
  • A vaccinated man grows horns in front of a couple with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Edward Jenner vaccinating patients in the Smallpox and Inoculation Hospital at St. Pancras: the patients develop features of cows. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1802.
  • Malvern Wells, Great Malvern, Worcestershire. Wood engraving by W. Radclyffe after W.H. Wood.
  • A short horned cow. Etching by H. Beckwith, ca 1848, after H. Strafford.
  • Skeleton and dissection of a cow: two figures, above, a side view of the skeleton, below, a dissection of the underside of a cow, showing the internal organs. Etching, 1823.
  • A cow and two sheep in a field. Etching by J. Janson the elder, 17--.
  • Edward Jenner vaccinating patients in the Smallpox and Inoculation Hospital at St. Pancras: the patients develop features of cows. Coloured etching, 1803, after J. Gillray, 1802.
  • Page 113: Krishna playing his flute to the cows and Radha who is immersed in the river, while an old man smoking a hookah observes. Watercolour drawing.
  • A travelling procession of health officials who ironically praise the coming of vaccination. Etching.
  • A study of cows in various positions. Engraving.
  • A milk maid with pig-tails, a waistcoat and a bunch of flowers with cows and a man sat in a barn beyond; she holds up a thumb bearing a blown-up condom with the message: 'Without? Without me'; German version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A girl with a basket gathering mushrooms in a watermeadow. Engraving by Belvedere, 1802, after R. Westall.
  • Baths Langen, Schwalbach, Wetzlar, Germany. Etching by T. Jones after W. Tombleson.
  • Krishna milking a cow while the calf looks. Watercolour drawing.
  • A procession of health officials ironically proclaiming the coming of vaccination. Coloured etching.
  • Jacob wrestles with the angel on a hilltop. Etching by R. Earlom, 1766, after S. Rosa.
  • Jacob wrestles with the angel on a hilltop. Etching with aquatint by R. Earlom, 1766, after S. Rosa.
  • A cow and bull of the Durham short-horned breed. Etching, ca 1822.
  • A cow at rest lying in a field. Etching, possibly by J. Janson, the elder.
  • The Swiss Milk Company, Gossau : the "Edelweiss" brand / A. Moos.
  • Scenes from the life of Moses before the Exodus. Etching, 1799.
  • "Breakfast on the hoof" : / Moo Juce.
  • A battle. Gouache drawing.
  • A Devonshire cow. Stipple engraving by Neele.
  • The holy Cow personified as World Mother with many Sanskrit verses. Chromolithograph.
  • Rādhā and Krishna embrace in the countryside. Chromolithograph, 1882.
  • Cows grazing and resting in a field. Etching by J. Janson, the elder.
  • A shaman banging a drum and dancing invoke spirits to cure a sick man. Engraving by S. Davenport.
  • "Grazing" : moo not disturb : / Moo Juce.