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215 results filtered with: Fishes
  • A type of fish, possibly a whiting. Etching.
  • The Zoological Museum ... : Mr. Seaman, (as manager for a society of gentlemen, to whom this collection belongs) begs to inform the ladies and gentlemen of this town, that he has just arrived with that extensive and valuable Museum, containing many thousands of natural curiosities ...
  • A type of cod. Etching.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A dissection of a male ray or skate. Etching.
  • Two fish. Watercolour, 1783.
  • In convalescence Dianabol builds the patient up : the engraver builds his colour picture : bleeding heart tetra.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A postcard illustrating a variety of good luck charms. Chromolithograph.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.
  • Three yellow pork-fish swimming in the sea. Colour line block after H. Murayama.
  • Fish. Watercolour, 1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1783.
  • A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, ca. 1783.
  • The hollow eyes of blind Tobit are anointed with fish gall by Tobias. Engraving by S.F. Ravenet, 1767, after R. Earlom after Agostino Carracci.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Tobias curing his father's (Tobit) eyesight three others and a dog look on. Line engraving by J. Jenkins after A. Carracci.
  • Fisher-folk and their methods of working close to the shore. Engraving, c.1762, by Benard after L.J. Goussier.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to Ragotin, who believes his body has swelled in his sleep. Engraving by G. Huquier the elder after J.B. Oudry.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • The Zoological Museum ... : Mr. Seaman, (as manager for a society of gentlemen, to whom this collection belongs) begs to inform the ladies and gentlemen of this town, that he has just arrived with that extensive and valuable Museum, containing many thousands of natural curiosities ...
  • [Phytobasanos] sive plantarum aliqvot historia. In qva describvntvr diversi generis plantæ veriores, ac magis facie, viribúsque respondentes antiquorum Theophrasti, Diocoridis, Plinij, Galeni, aliorúmque delineationibus, ab alijs hucusque non animaduersæ / Fabio Colvmna avctore. Accessit etiam piscivm aliqvot, plantarúmque nouarum historia eodem auctore.
  • Two fish. Watercolour, 1783.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • Two fish. Colour lithograph, 1884.
  • Fish. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1777/1783.
  • A history of British fishes / By William Yarrell ... Illustrated by nearly 400 woodcuts.