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33 results filtered with: Love, Maternal
  • The Virgin Mary adoring Christ as an infant. Line engraving by G.D. Picchianti after F. Petrucci after Titian.
  • The Virgin Mary feeding Christ as a baby, angels and putti flutter around preparing and serving dishes. Etching.
  • A fashionable mother wearing a dress with slits across the breasts in order to feed her baby before she dashes off to the carriage waiting outside. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • The Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus, Zacharias holds the infant John the Baptist. Line engraving by G.B. Pasqualini, 1621, after G.F. Barbieri.
  • A vision of motherhood with a small child. Heliotype by Arents after L. Marqueste.
  • A woman holding three children one of whom is breast-feeding from her; representing charity. Line engraving by T. Verkruis after C. Sacconi after G. Reni.
  • A woman in bed holding her new born baby. Phototype by Danesi after a bas-relief, 15--.
  • The Virgin Mary telling a young Saint John the Baptist to be quiet as the baby Jesus is sleeping. Engraving by E. Hainzelmann after Annibale Carracci.
  • A woman breast feeding her child while she is holding it and its cradle. Collotype after a wooden sculpture.
  • A woman washing her baby. Woodcut after W. Strang, 1904.
  • A woman breast feeding one child and holding two others; representing charity. Engraving by R. Morghen, 1795, after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • A woman offering her breast to her small child who has just been rescued. Lithograph by J.C. Wilson.
  • A woman washing her baby. Woodcut after W. Strang, 1904.
  • A woman breast feeding one child and holding two others; representing charity. Engraving by R. Morghen, 1795, after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • A woman carrying a baby and holding the hand of her small child. Pencil drawing.
  • The Virgin Mary with Christ as a small child, another woman stands above them arms raised, perhaps Saint Anne. Line engraving.
  • A black woman with glasses wraps her arms around a boy; advertisement by the National Urban League, Inc for those with or affected by AIDS. Colour lithograph by P. Beane.
  • A fashionable mother wearing a dress with slits across the breasts in order to feed her baby before she dashes off to the carriage waiting outside. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • The Virgin Mary feeding Christ as a baby, angels and putti flutter around preparing and serving dishes. Etching.
  • A woman breast feeding her child. Stipple engraving, 1810, after W.M. Craig, 1806.
  • A woman feeding her baby while her husband reads a book in a rural domestic environment. Engraving by P.A. Le Beau after A. de Gelder.
  • Queen Charlotte holding the baby Princess Charlotte. Process print after F. Cotes.
  • A woman holding her sleeping baby after breast feeding it. Mezzotint.
  • A woman taking her baby from its cradle. Engraving.
  • A woman feeding her happy baby. Colour stipple engraving by C. Martin after himself, 1778.
  • A woman feeding her baby while her husband reads a book in a rural domestic environment. Engraving by P.A. Le Beau after A. de Gelder.
  • A woman holding her sleeping baby after breast feeding it. Mezzotint.
  • A woman carrying a baby and holding the hand of her small child in a bleak rural setting. Engraving.
  • The birth of King Louis XIII. Engraving by B. Audran the elder after J.M. Nattier after P.P. Rubens.
  • A woman lovingly holding her baby. Etching.