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83 results filtered with: Telescopes
  • Astronomy: a quadrant and a sextant. Engraving.
  • M0009423: The great equatorial telescope for Melbourne
  • John Dolland, after B. Wilson's painting at Greenwich Observatory.
  • Astronomy: a large refracting telescope. Engraving.
  • A female figure among astronomical apparatus: representing astronomy. Stipple engraving, 1795, after C-N. Cochin the younger, 1773.
  • Malta: Royal Naval Hospital or Bighi Hospital, with sailors dancing on the shore. Coloured pen and ink drawing by J. Parker, 1843, after C.F. de Brocktorff, ca. 1819 (?).
  • M0009426: The great equatorial telescope in the Dome at the Greenwich Observatory
  • Francis Bacon and William Brouncker flanking a bust of King Charles II set on a pedestal, surrounded by symbols of scientific learning representing the Royal Society. Etching by W. Hollar, 1667, after J. Evelyn.
  • Crimean War, Ukraine: patients convalescing on the beach at Castle Hospital, Balaklava. Wood engraving.
  • M0009422: Craig telescope on Wandsworth Common
  • An old man wearing spectacles and his four pupils experiment using optical instruments and materials. Line engraving by F. Pedro after F. Maggiotto.
  • Astronomy: a large aerial (tubeless) telescope, in use by an astronomer. Engraving, 1757, after Ph. de La Hire.
  • Astronomy: several telescopes and tripods. Engraving.
  • Reflecting telescopes pre.1835
  • Ship-building: five kinds of quadrant (top), and two types of telegraph (below). Engraving by Turnbull.
  • Vim you see in sizes three, every size saves L.s.d / Lever Brothers Limited.
  • A female figure among astronomical apparatus: representing astronomy. Etching by F.D. Née after C-N. Cochin the younger, 1773.
  • Greenwich, with London in the distance. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: a large portable refracting telescope. Engraving.
  • Jean Sylvain Bailly, Mayor of Paris, with his mistress, both represented as chickens. Etching, 1791.
  • French savants huddled together at the top of a column, while a band of Bedouin Arabs set fire to it below; exaggerating the troubled experience of the 'Commission des Sciences et des Arts' during Napoleon's invasion of Egypt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • M0009425: Temporary mounting of an achromatic refracting telescope
  • Simon Marius [Mayr]. Woodcut.
  • John Dolland, after picture in the Royal Observatory, Greenwich
  • A man is looking out of the window through a telescope as young children play on a rocking horse. Etching.
  • A collection of telescopes and other optical instruments. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: an astronomer in his study, looking out of the window with a telescope. Engraving by C. Grignion after S. Wale.
  • Astronomy: a 40-foot telescope constructed by William Herschel, in use outdoors. Coloured etching, 18--.
  • Astronomy: a large refracting telescope, at Birr Castle, Ireland. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: Galileo, after using the telescope on the bell-tower of St Mark's Square, Venice, demonstrates his findings to the Doge, 1609. Engraving by J. P. Le Bas after himself, 1739.