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6,711 results filtered with: Posters
  • Red and yellow hearts representing AIDS and love. Colour screenprint by Rajlich Design, 1995.
  • A man in a striped t-shirt with his arm around another man who helps him to walk down a hospital corridor with a wheelchair and drip stand near by; with an appeal for support for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe donation account for the special care of the sick. Colour lithograph by Ingo Taubhorn and Wolfgang Mudra.
  • The sun with a smiling face and a condom with the message in French: "On holiday I forget everything except a condom"; a safe sex advertisement by the Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la ville, L'Europe contre le SIDA and the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • A black woman nurses an emaciated child beneath a cross; surrounded by text relating to Christ's crucifixion with a map of Africa in the background; representing the suffering experienced by AIDS/HIV victims; advertisement by CAFOD. Colour lithograph.
  • A teddy bear with a speech bubble above containing the words in German: 'My best friend is soon to be seven and has AIDS. Please help us'; an appeal for donations to help children with AIDS by the Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland e.V. [KAH] Colour lithograph by Christian Schuster and HDM Eggert.
  • S. Watson's Grand American Museum 28, Oxford Street : Living curiosities! From all parts of the world ...
  • Cartoon gay men sitting chatting on chairs with speech bubbles containing information on Schwulenberatung, an open discussion group and counseling service for gay men. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Advertisement for safe sex and condoms by Action for AIDS
  • Francis Higgins, "The sham squire", defends himself against imputations. Woodcut, 1866.
  • An American serviceman clutching the letters "VD" like prison-bars from which he yearns to be released. Colour lithograph, ca. 1950 (?).
  • China: protection against nuclear, chemical and germ warfare. Colour lithographs, 1971.
  • The AIDS red ribbon against a red background representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day 1st December by Mairie de Paris. Colour lithograph.
  • Four young people having difficulty talking to their parents about drugs; advising young people in the Netherlands to discuss drug abuse with their parents. Colour lithograph for the Drugs Infolijn and the Trimbos-instituut, 200-.
  • A faithful couple, opening a condom packet, a woman receiving a blood transfusion that has been screened for HIV, sterilised skin piercing instruments and an HIV positive woman seeking health advice before planning a baby; advice by the World Health Organization about the way AIDS can be prevented. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • The Royal American Midgets at the Piccadilly Hall : afternoon 2 till 5, evening 7 till 9.
  • A man with a scimitar, and a bleeding heart; representing the blood donation service run in Cuba by the Comité de Defensa de la Revolución. Colour silk screen print by S. Goire Castilla, 1987.
  • The male and female signs entwined with two arrows at the centre labelled 'SIDA' within a wavy grey border; a leaflet warning about the AIDS epidemic by the Comissão Nacional de Luta Contra a SIDA. Colour lithograph by Publicis Ciesa, ca. 1996.
  • Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections and sexual activity with multiple partners are common in the Indian subcontinent in both rural and urban areas : Availability of good quality condoms while abroad can be difficult. so be prepared and take a good supply with you / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • Teeth before and after treatment from Bright Smile, a dental cleaning product available in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Bright Smile, ca. 2000.
  • Female catkins on a willow tree, representing an archaic Chinese nickname for sexually transmitted diseases, with the message that AIDS is worse. Colour lithograph by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong, ca. 1997.
  • The message in Swedish 'Don't forget. Men'; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements by the RFSL, the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A Maasai mother with a child; representing support for the healthcare work of Memisa among the Maasai. Colour lithograph for Memisa, ca. 2000.
  • A sweep of hair incorporating three faces representing Africans in partnership against AIDS; advertisement by the City of Toronto Public Health, sponsored by Levis. Colour lithograph by Louie Kizito, 1995.
  • The opening of the PositHiv Café, Berlin, and its services to HIV-positive people. Colour lithograph after E. Galindo, 1994.
  • A man and wife and their two children and dog climbing up a grassy knoll as exercise in the fresh air. Colour lithograph by Hulls.
  • A wife asking her drunkard husband to hand over a bottle of alcoholic drink. Lithograph by B. Chavannaz, ca. 1920.
  • F. Marques, a nurse, talks to a colleague in a hospital: a photograph by Manuel Aries representing an advertisement for an exhibition entitled: "Views: caregivers at the heart of the AIDS years" at the Hôtel de Miramon from 1st December [World AIDS Day] 1992 to 16th January 1993 by the Musée de l'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. Lithograph.
  • The revelation of St John, a fierce looking figure with decorative wings emerging (upside down) from a decorative sheild brandishing a sword with an extract from the Apocalypse: "The kings of the earth who have corrumpus [corrupted] with it, and who lived with her in delight, crying on her, and bewailed seeing smoke from the blaze" ; an advertisement for an exhibition of images about the fight against AIDS by Artis. Colour lithograph by Peret, 1993.
  • A bare-chested woman wearing jeans flings her head back and says "I only make love safely"; advertising safe sex in AIDS prevention. Colour lithograph for Bajes Special Mainline, 199-.
  • A nurse vaccinating a baby in a clinic: the Kenya Expanded programme on Immunization. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.