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103 results filtered with: Chemical apparatus
  • A chemist gives a demonstration involving arsenic to an audience. Coloured lithograph by H. Daumier, 1841.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker. Mezzotint by J. Wilson, c. 1770, after J. Steen.
  • An elderly alchemist sitting next to his equipment. Engraving by C. Weigel, 1698.
  • An alchemist stoking a furnace in a dimly lit room, as daylight shines through a window. Engraving by P-F. Basan after T. Wyck.
  • A lady, with her maid, consults an apothecary in his workroom, for a love philtre (?). Coloured lithograph, c.1850.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Coloured lithograph by Bouvier, 1830, after J. Steen.
  • An alchemist in his untidy laboratory. Etching by L. Le Grand after T. Wyck.
  • A peacock in a crowned alchemical flask; representing the stage in the alchemical process when the substance breaks out into many colours. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • M0012703: Illustration of chemisrty apparatus
  • A queen dressed in blue, representing mercury, in a crowned alchemical flask. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A man and a woman demonstrating the process of fermentation and distillation in alchemy. Etching, ca. 17th century.
  • London Mechanics' Institute, Southampton Buildings, Holborn: the interior of the laboratory, in a cellar. Wood engraving by W. C. Walker after Mr. Davy [1828].
  • M0012702: Illustration of apparatus to make mineral water
  • An alchemist peering into a glass vessel. Mezzotint by F.R. Say, 1819, after J. Northcote.
  • Michael Faraday lecturing at the Royal Institution: Prince Albert and his sons in the audience. Wood engraving, 1856, after A. Blaikley.
  • An elderly alchemist sitting next to his equipment. Engraving by C. Weigel, 1698.
  • A three headed monster in an alchemical flask, representing the composition of the alchemical philosopher's stone: salt, sulphur, and mercury. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A young woman, perhaps Prudentia, warns an alchemist of the dangers of abusing fire: in the background fires rage in buildings and mines. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos, 16th century.
  • A young woman, perhaps Prudentia, warns an alchemist of the dangers of abusing fire: in the background fires rage in buildings and mines. Engraving by C. de Passe after M. de Vos, 16th century.
  • M0012701: Illustration of glass apparatus
  • An alchemist concentrates on a book in his study, while Death next to him tells him "My dear Herr Collaborator, you are are too hardworking". Gouache painting.
  • A philosopher in his study, reading a book containing a print of a skeleton. Etching by J.A. von Prenner, 1728, after C. Paudiss.
  • Abbé Jean-Antoine Nollet demonstrating chemical experiments to a party of ladies and gentlemen. Engraving, ca. 1750.
  • A dwarf alchemist and his assistant standing by a crucible. Etching, 18th century.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Engraving by J. Boydell, c. 1760, after J. Steen.
  • An alchemist in a long robe standing reading above an open chest of books which he has rifled through; a large vaulted hall surrounds him, littered with alchemical apparatus. Pen and pencil drawing by J. Nasmyth, 1854.
  • Roger Bacon conducting an alchemical experiment in a vaulted cloister. Etching by J. Nasmyth, 1845.
  • A chemist examining a flask of golden liquid, with a book and chemical apparatus. Colour process print.
  • Two workers in an alchemist's laboratory, surrounded by chemical receptacles and equipment. Engraving, 1669.
  • An alchemist in a long robe standing reading above an open chest of books which he has rifled through; a large vaulted hall surrounds him, littered with alchemical apparatus. Pen and pencil drawing by J. Nasmyth, 1854.