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1,272 results filtered with: Death
  • The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Engraving by S. Scafa.
  • A woman being bled by one man while another holds her arm, two dogs lap up her blood; representing France in the grip of Louis XIV and Cardinal Richelieu, while the financiers drain her resources. Engraving.
  • Durga slaying the Buffalo demon depicted on a stand and surmounted on a torana decorated with smaller figures of demon kings and Hindu gods. Transfer lithograph.
  • The cross bearing Christ is hoisted up before a multitude of lamenters and soldiers. Engraving by N-H. Tardieu after B. Audran after C. le Brun.
  • Death and the woodcutter. Wood engraving by Richard Bong after L. Lhermitte.
  • The last moments of Napoleon Bonaparte at St Helena, 1821. Engraving by Bovinet and Couché after Gudin.
  • Jesus blesses Joseph as he dies. Engraving by C. Fantetti after C. Maratta.
  • Your rights in the AIDS era. 11, Acting as executor / Immunity.
  • The funeral of Mrs Susannah Wesley at Bunhill Fields, the Methodist cemetery: a key to the identities of the mourners. Etching.
  • Various rites and cermonies for the burial of a pope, including the catafalque during the funeral and the funeral procession. Engraving by B Picart, 1724.
  • A skeleton with a cigar, standing at a bar holding a drink. Lithograph by L. Crusius, 1899.
  • When pain is severe DF118 subdues the pain but not the patient : life, death, and the British.
  • The dance of death: the senator. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the younger.
  • An exhumed mummy in St. Stephen's Crypt in Westminster. Chalk lithograph by J. Basire after George Scharf, 1852.
  • Ceremony around the coffin containing the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte in the Chapel of St. Jerome in Paris. Lithograph by J. Arnout.
  • An allegory of cholera mortality. Etching by A. Burdet after A. Raffet.
  • Christ raises the widow's son from the dead. Etching by A. Tardieu after Guilbaut.
  • Crimean War: ambulance men collecting the wounded after the Battle of Inkermann. Wood engraving.
  • King Henry II of France on his deathbed, with members of the royal family and the royal household in attendance. Process print after a woodcut.
  • A skeleton gentleman at a ball asks a skeleton lady to dance; representing the effect of arsenical dyes and pigments in clothing and accessories. Wood engraving, 1862.
  • Edith Cavell wearing Red Cross uniform lying dead on the floor as her spirit rises in the form of an angel. Process print after A. Rosell, ca. 1915.
  • A young woman sitting at the bed of a dying woman. Reproduction of an etching.
  • Solomon Eagle striding through plague ridden London with burning coals on his head, trying to fumigate the air. Chalk drawing by E.M. Ward, 1848.
  • A dying man surrenders his worldly goods. Etching.
  • The exhumed corpse of the French King Henry IV standing bandaged and upright in a coffin in the vaults of the Basilica of Saint-Denis. Line engraving with etching by E. Bovinet, A. Chataigner and T.B. de Jolimont after E.H. Langlois.
  • The funeral procession of the Duke of York shown approaching Windsor Castle. Coloured aquatint by Havell after W.M. Craig, 1827.
  • The four holy women lament over the dead Christ. Line engraving by Agostino Carracci, 1598, after Annibale Carracci, 1597.
  • A doctor holding death at bay from his patient: illustrated by him squirting a syringe at a skeletal figure entering via the window. Line engraving by N. Goodnight, 1787, after S. Collings.
  • The funeral car of the Duke of Wellington. Wood engraving.
  • A gin palace as a "temple of Juniper", with other scenes illustrating puns. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.