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172 results filtered with: Hospital wards
  • Comédie-Française, Paris: a corridor used as a hospital in the Franco-Prussian War showing nurses treating patients. Photograph by Fiorillo after A. Brouillet, 1870.
  • Royal Portsmouth Hospital: House surgeons, Matron and nurses. Photograph, 1902.
  • A ward in the Royal Northern Central Hospital, London. Photograph, ca. 1912.
  • Lister ward, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow: ground floor plan. Reproduction of a drawing by Wright and Wylie, 1925.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale assessing a ward at the military hospital in Scutari. Coloured lithograph, c. 1856, by E. Walker after W. Simpson.
  • A women's ward in an unidentified hospital, with elaborate decorations. Photograph.
  • A hospital ward for insomniacs. Pen drawing by G.E. Studdy, 1910.
  • Medical staff standing round a woman patient in bed in a hospital ward. Photograph by Seeberger Frères, ca. 1910.
  • London Missionary School of Medicine: women's medical ward or Quin ward. Photograph.
  • A nun in her habit carrying medicine and her Bible, with her hospital behind her. Watercolour drawing.
  • St Marylebone Infirmary, London: ward with nurses and patients. Photograph, 1910.
  • A physician examining a child, who is being comforted by a nurse in the ward of a childrens' hospital. Photogravure by J.Löwy, 1901, after I. Knopp, 1892.
  • World War One: Islington Public Library used as a hospital ward. Photograph by Langfier Ltd., 1916.
  • Charing Cross Hospital: the Prince of Wales opening some new wards. Wood engraving.
  • Gloucester Infirmary, Gloucester, England: part of a ward. Photograph by S. Pitcher, 19--.
  • A hospital ward showing sick patients being tended to by medical staff, after a quote from the Bible (Matt. 25.36). Line engraving by C. Galle.
  • St Marylebone Infirmary, London: ward with nurses and patients. Photograph, 1910.
  • Russo-Japanese War: wounded Japanese soldiers lying in the Kaiping hospital. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Russo-Japanese War: patients lying on the floor in the Japanese field hospital at Antung. Halftone after A. Michael, 1904.
  • Boer War: a full ward in the Wynberg military hospital, South Africa, with nurses attending the wounded. Halftone, 1900, after P.F.S. Spence after H. Egersdorfer.
  • A physician examining a child, who is being comforted by a nurse in the ward of a childrens' hospital. Photogravure by J.Löwy, 1901, after I. Knopp, 1892.
  • Boer War: a hospital ward with soldiers wounded during the siege of Kimberley, South Africa. Process print after Bennett, 1899.
  • Queen Victoria with her entourage visiting invalided soldiers at Fort Pitt Hospital, Chatham. Wood engraving, 1855.
  • A ward in a children's hospital, Lambeth. Photograph, 1925.
  • Cottage Hospital, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex: with floor plan. Wood engraving by D.R. Warral, 1872, after C.L. Bramley after George & Vaughan.
  • Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visiting soldiers wounded in the Crimean War, at Brompton Hospital, Chatham. Coloured lithograph by J.A. Vinter, 1855, after J. Tenniel.
  • Saint Elizabeth of Hungary bringing food for the inmates of a hospital. Oil painting by Adam Elsheimer, ca. 1598.
  • Saint Camillus de Lellis rescuing lives and offering shelter from the flooding Tiber, Rome. Line engraving by J. and J. Klauber.
  • Royal Portsmouth Hospital: children's ward, with patients, nurses and members of the medical staff. Photograph, 1902.
  • Lister ward, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow: south facade. Reproduction of a drawing by Wright and Wylie, 1925.