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207 results filtered with: Infants
  • Sarawak: a Kayan woman carrying her child in a sling. Photograph.
  • The bureau of wet nurses in Paris - wet nurses waiting to be selected. Aquatint after C. Brocas, 1822.
  • A hospital ward showing sick patients being tended to by medical staff, after a quote from the Bible (Matt. 25.36). Line engraving by C. Galle.
  • Three women working with axes in a field as their childen sit playing to the right representing women who are supporting themselves and avoided AIDS; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Hospice de la Maternité, Paris: facade and keyed floor and street plans. Engraving by J.E. Thierry after H. Bessat, 1810.
  • A new-born baby dressed in yellow in the arms of its mother representing an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Programme National de lutte contre le SIDA, Ministère de la Santé Publique, Maroc with assistance from the FNUAP, Maroc. Colour lithograph, ca. 1993.
  • Syrup Pix Liquida Compound.
  • A woman personifying France (?) rescuing a baby from the tentacles of an octopus representing tuberculosis. Colour lithograph by L. Cappiello, ca. 1922.
  • Baby Krishna tied to a mortar which is caught in between two trees resulting in their uprooting, surrounded by a decorative border. Wood engraving (?).
  • Glaxo builds bonnie babies : a trial tin of Glaxo, together with a small Glaxo baby book, will be sent post free, on receipt of a post card to Glaxo, mentioning this publication / Glaxo.
  • The Virgin Mary as an infant among maids. Engraving.
  • Christ among sick people and Pharisees.
  • The Foundling Hospital, Holborn, London: a bird's-eye view of the courtyard, a busy scene in the street. Coloured engraving by N. Parr after L. P. Boitard, 1753.
  • Six ill people in Uganda, with either AIDS or another disease; representing the difficulty of being sure that someone has AIDS (French version). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • A woman decorating a girl's hat with hops in a hop field during harvest. Stipple engraving with etching by H. Bourne, c. 1845, after W. Witherington.
  • The baptism of Tristram Shandy. Etching by J. Heath, 1780, after W. Hogarth.
  • Wizards and witches offering a new-born baby to their master. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Virgil and A. Pollio deep in conversation above a bustling town and harbour, Saloninius (Pollio's infant son) lies in a cradle at their feet. Woodcut after Virgil.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • A woman with young children sitting in a hop field during harvesting. Stipple engraving with etching by G. Stodart, c. 1845, after W. Witherington.
  • A drunken man at home with his starving and ruined family. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • The interior of a tavern with men and women carousing at a table and children on the floor. Mezzotint, early 19th century, after A. van Ostade.
  • The Foundling Hospital, Holborn, London: a bird's-eye view of the courtyard, a busy scene in the street. Coloured engraving by N. Parr after L. P. Boitard, 1753.
  • A soldier confiscates a baby from its mother in the night, because the baby has violated the curfew. Coloured lithograph by Cham.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STD's and AIDS; a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A woman breastfeeding her baby and looking after two small children in a rural setting. Engraving.
  • A maid playing with a baby on her knee points out its curly hair to the visiting doctor; he replies that the mother was in curling tongs when she gave birth. Process print after J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Coloured lithograph by Bouvier, 1830, after J. Steen.
  • A busy drinking scene outside a tavern with the landlord taking a drink order from a new customer. Engraving by C. Du Bosc after J. Laguerre.