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91 results filtered with: Italy
  • A young woman taking a boy to school introduces him to the school master in the schoolroom. Wood engraving after Ludwig Bassini.
  • Pharmacopée générale a l'usage des pharmaciens et des médecines modernes ou dictionnair e des préparations pharmaceutico-médicales simples et composées les plus usitées de nos jours, suivant les nouvelle théories chimiques et médicales / traduit de l'italien ; avec des notes par L.A. Planche.
  • Physicians, representing the Holy League against the Turks, gather around the sick sultan; representing the Peace of Karlowitz. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, ca. 1700.
  • [1945 racing programme, sold to raise funds for the Red Cross. The races were probably arranged by the British military in post-war occupied Italy].
  • Francisci Ponae Cardiomorphoseos, sive, Ex corde desvmpta emblemata sacra.
  • A fisherman stands on the shore with his boat behind him, a basket across his shoulders and a tray of fish in his hand. Coloured lithograph.
  • A patient on his deathbed, representing the death of the Venetian Republic. Etching, ca. 1797.
  • Due anni di pratica chirurgica all'Ospedale di Castiglione Fiorentino / [Alessandro Codivilla].
  • A priest pouring Elisir del Prete into a cup; advertising the tonic Elisir del Prete. Colour lithograph, ca. 1910.
  • A young woman feigns illness in a chair, two men take her pulse while a physician is consulted. Line engraving by A. Baratti after P. A. Novelli.
  • Profili bio-bibliografici di medici e naturalisti celebri italiani dal sec. XVo al sec. XVIIIo / [P. Capparoni].
  • A giant spider catching crowds of humans in its web; representing tuberculosis. Colour lithograph by B. Cascella, ca. 1920.
  • Four athletes in various poses: a runner at the finishing line, a footballer saving a goal, a tennis player poised to hit the ball and numerous hands reaching up for a basket ball with the message in Italian 'Not for a record but for life. AIDS. The important win'; an advertisement by the Commissione Nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS, Ministero della Sanità and CONL [?] Colour lithgoraph, ca. 1995.
  • A priest pouring Elisir del Prete into a cup; advertising the tonic Elisir del Prete. Colour lithograph, ca. 1910.
  • [1945 racing programme, sold to raise funds for the Red Cross. The races were probably arranged by the British military in post-war occupied Italy].
  • Temple of Minerva Medica, Rome. Line engraving by F. Morelli, 1798.
  • Temple of Faunus, part of the Aqueducts of Nero, Rome. Engraving.
  • Italian artists: Michelangelo in the centre, others around the perimeter. Lithograph by V. Mollame, 1842.
  • Labourers felling trees and moving the trunks on the side of a mountain. Engraving by Giovanni Volpato after Marco Ricci.
  • A man accompanied by a child is playing the bagpipes. Coloured lithograph, 18--.
  • A mother appeals to a tuberculosis nurse to save her baby son from tuberculosis. Colour lithograph by N. Rettroni [? name indistinct], 1932.
  • Annali delle epidemie occorse in Italia dalle prime memorie fino al 1850 / [Alfonso Corradi].
  • A itinerant bag-pipe player and his son, resting at the side of the road. Coloured lithograph, c.1850 (?).
  • Italy: map. Coloured engraving by J. Senex, 1708, after C. Price after John Maxwell.
  • Castel Sant'Angelo (mausoleum of Hadrian), Rome: as seen from the river. Line engraving by F. Morelli, 1796.
  • A young woman and a young man rejoice as they escape from King Kong; representing attainment of freedom from AIDS and heroin addiction. Colour lithograph for the Commissione Nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS, Ministero della Sanità, ca. 1995.
  • Saint Emygdius. Engraving by Salvardi.
  • A giant spider catching crowds of humans in its web; representing tuberculosis. Colour lithograph by B. Cascella, ca. 1920.
  • Trattato di vaccinazione con osservazioni sul giavardo e vajuolo pecorino / Del dottore Luigi Sacco ... Con quattro tavole miniate.
  • Temple of Venus and Rome, Rome. Engraving by G. Cottafavi.