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86 results filtered with: Medicine, Military
  • M0007464: Naval medicine chest with lid compartment open
  • A nurse with convalescent soldiers on the deck of a hospital ship. Pen and ink drawing by E. S. H.
  • A soldier with wounded head who has inserted medicinal plants in his helmet. Watercolour.
  • World War I: an R.A.M.C. bearer supplying water to the front line. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey.
  • M0007469: Compartment from naval medicine chest
  • World War I: the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) on active service. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey, ca. 1918.
  • World War I: the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) on active service. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey, ca. 1918.
  • Boer War: an army surgeon at work on a battlefield where many lie injured. Halftone, c. 1900.
  • Army medical officers in the field constructing stretchers with logs and straw which are then pulled by a horse. Watercolour.
  • A uniformed German army doctor treats a wounded soldier on a hilltop while others assist and stand nearby. Coloured lithograph, c. 1870.
  • A large and evil-looking army physician eagerly inoculates a fearful young man. Pen and ink drawing by F. May, ca. 1918.
  • M0009338: Reduction of a fracture of the leg on the battlefield, 16th century
  • World War I: the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) on active service. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey, ca. 1918.
  • Chaos in the aftermath of battle with the dead and wounded being attended to as the armies retreat. Engraving by J. J. Kleinschmidt after G. P. Rugendas I.
  • World War I: auxiliaries bringing stretchers, splints, rations and water for the Line. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey, ca. 1918.
  • Five senior French army officers in military dress: two administrators, the chief surgeon, a pharmacist and a physician, ca. 1804. Coloured lithograph by G. David, ca. 1858, after A. de Marbot.
  • World War I: the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) on active service. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey, ca. 1918.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: the war department. Photograph from a negative of 1927.
  • A doctor visiting patients in a field hospital ward in a tent. Lithograph.
  • Ambroise Paré using a ligature on an artery of an amputated leg of a soldier, during the Siege of Metz, 1553. Photogravure after T. Chartran, 1889.
  • A military physician examines a bandsman who has a poorly foot and cannot march in time. Colour process print after J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • M0010398EB: Surgical instruments for the use in military surgery, from Clowes: <i>A profitable and necessarie booke of observations</i>, 1637
  • World War One: a physician tending a soldier in a room in the trenches. Coloured charcoal drawing.
  • A wounded soldier is helped on the ground by a medical officer under instruction from a mounted army doctor. Coloured lithograph by C. F. Schindler, c. 1900.
  • M0007466: Naval medicine chest open showing contents and side compartments
  • A military surgeon amputating the arm of soldier in the open air. Lithograph by F. le Villain.
  • M0013247: Illustration of an ambulance waiting for the wounded at Sebastopol.
  • A beach in the Dardanelles with soldiers unloading medical supplies from a ship to Red Cross trucks. Colour halftone after N. Wilkinson, 1915.
  • World War I: an R.A.M.C. bearer supplying water to the front line. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey.
  • M0010399EA: An Elizabethan medicine-chest for military surgery, from Clowes: <i>A profitable and necessarie booke of observations</i>, 1637