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79 results filtered with: Microscopy
  • M0010663: Diagram of the small intestine, from Lieberkuhn: <i>Dissertatio anatomico</i>, 1745
  • M0010611: Joseph Lister's microscope
  • M0011457: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum display: blood corpuscles of a frog
  • M0010599: Gleichen's microscope
  • Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon / By R. Hooke.
  • A pink microscope reflecting a magnified view of the HIV virus against a black and red background with Maldivian (Divehi) lettering; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Observationes circa viventia, quae in rebus non viventibus reperiuntur. Cum micrographia curiosa. Sive rerum minutissimarum observationibus, quae ope microscopij recognitae ad vivum exprimuntur. His accesserunt aliquot animalium testaceorum icones non antea in lucem editae. Omnia curiosorum naturae exploratorum utilitati & iucunditati expressa & oblata / [Filippo Buonanni].
  • M0009997: Diagram of a single lense microscope
  • M0010599: Gleichen's microscope
  • The microscope, and its application to clinical medicine / by Lionel Beale.
  • Illustrated popular lectures : man, nature, science / Frederick Addey.
  • Illustrated popular lectures : man, nature, science / Frederick Addey.
  • An account of some new microscopical discoveries founded on an examination of the calamary and its ... milt-vessels ... Also, observations on the farina faecundans of plants ... And an examination o the pistil, uterus and stamina of several flowers ... Likewise observations on the supposed embryo sole-fish fixed to the bodies of shrimps ... A description of the eels or worms in blighted wheat, etc / [John Turberville Needham].
  • Browning's spectroscopes : spectrum apparatus for the microscope ... / John Browning.
  • M0010607: Plate and translated text from a work on cell structure
  • L'exercise du microscope, contenant un abrégé de tout ce qui a été ecrit par les meilleurs autheurs touchant les objets les plus curieux : avec les precautions qu'on doit prendre pour faire les observations avec succes. Auquel est ajouté la description d'un microscope, qu'on peut appeller universel, d'autant qu'on y trouve les proprietez de toutes les differentes sortes qui ayent encore parues construit sur un nouveau plan / par François Watkins.
  • Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon / By R. Hooke.
  • Descriptions et usages de plusieurs nouveaux microscopes, tant simples que composez : avec de nouvelles observations faites sur une multitude innombrable d'insectes, et d'autres animaux de diverses especes, qui naissent dans des liqueurs préparées, & dans celles qui ne le sont point / par L Joblot.
  • Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon / By R. Hooke.
  • M0010607: Plate and translated text from a work on cell structure
  • M0011456: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum display: daguerreotype photomicrographs made by Leon Foucault
  • Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon / By R. Hooke.
  • Quarterly journal of microscopical science.
  • Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon / By R. Hooke.
  • Nouvelles observations microscopiques, aves des découvertes intéressantes sur la composition et la décomposition des corps organisés / Par M. Needham.
  • The microscope made easy: or, I. The nature, uses and magnifying powers of the best kinds of microscopes ... II. An account of what surprizing discoveries have been already made by the microscope / By Henry Baker.
  • Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon / By R. Hooke.
  • Illustrated popular lectures : man, nature, science / Frederick Addey.
  • M0009995: Cuno: <i>Bericht an die Herren Liebhabere Optischer Kunstwercken</i>, c.1730: title page
  • The microscope, and its application to clinical medicine / by Lionel Beale.