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62 results filtered with: Paleontology
  • Skeleton fragments of a prehistoric creature, with details showing the teeth. Etching, 18--?.
  • M0008761: Lower Carboniferous, example of typical forms of life
  • Ancient hunters and their modern representatives / by W.J. Sollas.
  • M0008777: Animals from the Quaternary Period
  • M0006797: Illustration showing the evolution of the skeleton in animals
  • M0006809: Roofing bones of the Eusthenopteron Foordi
  • M0006798: Skeleton of Notharctus Osborni
  • M0008859: Pathological bones of pleistocene cave bears
  • De natuurlyke historie der versteeningen, of uitvoerige afbeelding en beschryving van de versteende zaaken, die tot heden op den aardbodem zyn ontdekt / aangevangen door Georg Wolfgang Knorr: vervolgd en omstandig beredeneerd door Johann Ernst Immanuel Walch ... uit het Hoog- in 't Nederduitsch vertaald door M. Houttuyn.
  • M0008858: Femur of large adult cave bear which shows healed fracture
  • M0006790: Illustration of Cheirolepis Trailli head and shoulder
  • M0008758: Lower Devonian, example of typical forms of life
  • Skeleton of the Missouri Leviathan: the skeleton is shown standing in a pastoral setting, with a Native American shown seated on an elephant to indicate scale, while another Native American and a man in Western dress look on. Watercolour, possibly by G. Tytler, ca. 1842.
  • Fossilized skeleton of a plesiosaurus triatarsostinus. Lithograph by H. O'Neill, 1834.
  • Reliquiae diluvianae; or, observations on the organic remains contained in caves, fissures, and diluvial gravel, and on other geological phenomena, attesting the action of an universal deluge / By the Rev. William Buckland.
  • M0006803: Lower and partial upper jaw of an unknown species
  • M0008856: Large paleozoic spinose
  • M0006800: Six dorsal views of the foot of 'dorsum of pes'
  • De natuurlyke historie der versteeningen, of uitvoerige afbeelding en beschryving van de versteende zaaken, die tot heden op den aardbodem zyn ontdekt / aangevangen door Georg Wolfgang Knorr: vervolgd en omstandig beredeneerd door Johann Ernst Immanuel Walch ... uit het Hoog- in 't Nederduitsch vertaald door M. Houttuyn.
  • M0008753: Upper Cambrian, example of typical forms of life
  • M0006810: Interfrontal area of the Eusthenopteron Foordi
  • M0008752: Lower Cambrian, example of typical forms of life
  • Fossilized skeleton of a water-dwelling dinosaur, with an outline drawing below, showing the vertebrae at life-size. Lithograph by G. Scharf, 18--.
  • M0008871: Lower ends of the tibia and fibula
  • M0008760: Upper Devonian, example of typical forms of life
  • M0008774: Principal fauna of the Jurassic Period
  • M0008763: Upper Carboniferous, example of typical forms of life
  • M0006807: Illustration of right pectoral limb of "Eusthenopteron foordi"
  • Skeleton of a mastodon. Wood engraving by O. Jewitt, ca. 1850.
  • The prodromus to a dissertation concerning solids naturally contained within solids. Laying a foundation for the rendering a rational accompt both of the frame and the several changes of the masse of the Earth, as also of the various productions in the same / Englished by H[enry] O[ldenburg].