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69 results filtered with: Philadelphia (Pa.)
  • Market place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Coloured aquatint by P. Fumagalli, ca. 1820.
  • English commerce is shown as a cow milked by the Dutch, the horns sawn off by the Americans and its milk drunk by the French and the Spanish, while an Englishman wrings his hands at this distressing sight. Etching, ca. 1780.
  • Caspar Wistar: his house in Philadelphia. Lithograph.
  • Fairmont Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: horse and carts outside a building with a verandah. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: showing the Schuylkill River. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: group portrait (of military medical men ?). Photograph, 1876.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: American Civil War medicine wagon produced by T. Morris Perot and Company: side view. Photograph, 1876.
  • Girard College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Founder's Hall. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Focus on AIDS : would you like to cut hours, even days, from your next reference search... without missing anything significant from your own -- or any related -- field? : Turn to Focus on AIDS basic research, applications and implications. With abstracts / William A. Schlegel, Chief Operating Officer, Institute for Scientific information, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 USA.
  • The Chestnut Street Bridge over the Schuylkill River, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • The grave of Benjamin Franklin and Deborah Franklin in Philadelphia. Wood engraving.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: the hospital steamboat J.K. Barnes: a model. Photograph, 1876.
  • Market Street, Philadelphia. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: Hospital of the Medical Department of the U.S. Army: models of hospitals in display cases. Photograph, 1876.
  • Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • A pipe aqueduct (the Wissahickon aqueduct?), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: American Civil War Army of the Cumberland train carriage: the hospital car: a model. Photograph, 1876.
  • Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: a horse and carriage in the foreground. Photograph by Francis Frith, ca. 1880.
  • Prison, Philadelphia: side view. Coloured engraving by Fenner Sears & Co., 1831, after C. Burton.
  • The State Penitentiary, Philadelphia: panoramic view. Coloured etching by Traverster.
  • Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: an ambulance carriage prototype. Photograph, 1876.
  • Fairmount Waterworks, Schuylkill River, Philadelphia. Coloured engraving by Ch. de Lalaisse after J. Noël.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: American Civil War Army of the Potomac train carriage: the hospital car: a model. Photograph, 1876.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: U.S. military medicine cart prototype. Photograph, 1876.
  • Museum, Philadelphia: within the arcade. Coloured engraving by Fenner Sears & Co., 1831, after C. Burton.
  • Schuylkill Water Works, Philadelphia: panoramic view with the river. Coloured engraving by J.C. Armytage after W.H. Bartlett.
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: view across rooftops. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Fairmont Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: an aerial view showing the Schuylkill River. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Philadelphia International Exposition, 1876: the Hospital of the Medical Department of the United States Army: a ward of empty beds. Photograph, 1876.